
The Wizarding World Of Harry Potter

I have been dreaming about visiting The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios Hollywood since they first opened in April 2016. Since our home is only a four-hour drive away, I thought I would have visited sooner. Alas, the opportunity never arose. Also, not to mention the prices are up there with Disneyland. At this particular time, it costs $105 for a one-day general admission ticket. That means for a family of four it would be $420 just to get in through the gate. Then there are the added costs of hotel rooms, food, and souvenirs. It's no wonder I had not visited Universal Studios.

My family decided to drive back home for an extended weekend visit, leaving me behind in Southern California because I had to work. I thought it was only fair that I had at least one fun day while they were gone and settled upon a trip to Harry Potter land. I just had to pay for one ticket admission, and I could eat a big breakfast, pack water and snacks, and save myself for one big meal at the Three Broomsticks. I bought my tickets the night before and went to bed that night super excited for the upcoming day.

The park opened at 8 am and I had planned on arriving at that time to get the maximum amount of fun at Universal Studios. My family also woke early that morning for their drive home. My daughter was upset she could not stay behind and visit the amusement park with me, but I reminded her the fact she has never read nor watched any Harry Potter books or movies. She only knows one character, you guessed it, Harry Potter.  I had my big breakfast, packed my bag and I was off before everyone else.

I have never visited an amusement park solo before. I found it to be very relaxing and enjoyable. I got to spend as much time as I wanted in Hogsmeade, I stood in the single rider lines, I did not have to argue with anyone, nobody complained their feet were tired and needed to rest, and I could maneuver through the crowds with great ease. My only issue of the day was at the end when I decided it was time to ride the Studio Tour tram. There was no single rider line for this ride. The line was a never-ending zigzag. I ended up waiting for 55 min; my feet were barking!

I stayed at the park all the way till closing time, having a blast all by myself. My co-workers asked me why did I go by myself. I told them it was better that I went alone and I was glad that I did. Everyone should experience traveling and visiting places solo at least once in their life. It teaches you not to be so dependant on others and gives you the feeling of freedom from doing what you want to do. Maybe a solo trip to Disneyland will be next!

Christmas Drone Time

Now that we have got our first drone flight out of the way I am itching to get out there and fly some more. I can not believe I had my drone for over a year and never once took it out for a spin. Was I just nuts or something? It is so fun to maneuver through the sky. 

Christmas was just yesterday, and we had Thao's grandfather over for the occasion. We did not do anything extravagant. Since it was only the five of us for the day, we decided to take it easy and just grill some burgers and have some potato salad. While grandpa was here, we told him about our "new" drone we had just flown two days prior. He seemed intrigued, and I came up with the grand idea of taking the DJI Phantom out to one of the nearby beaches and showing him what it can do. Everyone agreed so I quickly jumped onto Google Maps to find a beach we could just park and get out and fly. 

Around 3:30 pm we arrived at Capistrano Beach. Not too many people were around, but there were more than I thought there would be. We walked down the beach little ways and picked our flat take off spot. I have watched a few YouTube videos since our first flight to get some pointers. Apparently, we should have calibrated the compass on the drone before our flight. OOPS! I made sure the calibrations were done before lift off this time. I was feeling brave and told everyone I was attempting a manual take off this time. It looked pretty easy to do on YouTube so why not!. I started my propellers and slowly raised the drone up higher, higher, and higher. I could tell grandpa was pretty impressed with that. From there it was business as usual. I soared through the air with ease recording video of the skyline, the city, and the contrast of the ocean and the beach. I could just watch the waves from above all day long. It is very hypnotic. Finally, the low battery warning came on, and I flew the Phantom down to land. Now, I did a manual take off, so it only makes sense to do the same for landing right? It turns out I was fabulous on my landing; even grandpa was impressed.

Since the sun was starting to set, grandpa wanted to stay just a little bit longer at the beach to watch the sunset. We sat on a bench and chit chatted while the sun slowly disappeared into the ocean. While we were seated, all our ears perked right up. Someone else came to the beach to fly their drone too! We all had a good laugh and watched the other drone zip through the sky. 

I like this drone I bought. I wish I could just take it out every day and see what new perspectives I can achieve with it. If only I had the time. 

Flying Our DJI Phantom 3 Standard...FINALLY!!!

I watch a lot of YouTube videos, and the ones that impress me are ones with stunning drone cinematography. Being able to have a bird's eye view down onto earth is just amazing. Earth looks so much different from above. All the different textures, colors, and lines you can not appreciate from the ground is magnificent from above. 

So, last year on Black Friday, (yes, you read that right, LAST YEAR), after a long day at work, I drove down to the local Target store. I had my eye on the DJI Phantom 3 Standard because I knew that day it was $100 off, which is a big deal. Since it was late afternoon when I drove to Target, I didn't have high hopes of any being left. I told myself, ok, if there is one left it is destiny, and I will buy it, if not, then I am not going to worry about it, it just must not be our time yet. Cruising down the store's central aisle, I finally came upon the electronics section. Sitting alone in it's locked cage was a single DJI Phantom 3. I stood there for a couple of minutes having second thoughts on spending so much money on a drone but finally decided it was all in the name of photography and fun, I called the clerk over and told him I would like to purchase the last drone. He immediately told me how the rest of the drones were sold rather quickly that day and he had assumed the store was sold out, but just a few minutes before I walked in, he happened to be in the back supply room and found just one more drone. See, it is destiny that brought me to my drone. Lucky me!

We have brought our drone out with us on several trips in hopes of getting fantastic shots but either it was too windy, drones were not allowed, or I was just embarrassed to fly it. I have charged it countless of times, but it has never been flown. Looking back, I do regret not flying it along the coast in Monterey, CA. The ocean is such a stunning blue and the contrast of the sea with the rocky shore is just crazy.

Finally, I decided enough was enough. We are going out, and we are going to have our first flight. Now, finding a place to fly it in Southern California is hard. Drones are not allowed in the city of Laguna Beach, you can not operate them in parks, in neighborhoods, or near an airport or military base. I searched on Google Maps for a vast open space, not near any housing and came upon a place called Ortega Falls.

Saturday morning came, we all piled into the truck and headed on down to the falls. We pulled over to the parking spot on the side of the road and saw a little trail leading down the bottom of the hill. This trail was pretty steep and full of bushes and plants. We got down just a few feet and decided to turn back and try flying the drone from the flat area we saw just on the other side of the highway. So, we ran across the street and quickly placed the drone down on the ground. It was a little breezy at the particular spot and being drone novices we were not prepared for it to be blown away over the edge of the hill right after take off. Fortunately for us, the drone was swept into a bush and not over the side. Our next problem was how do you turn this thing off?!? After looking like total noobs reading the directions, we finally managed to turn the propellers off. 

My husband and I talked things over and decided we should go to a flat area for our first flight and just our luck, according to Google Maps, a flat field was just down the road. After making sure we did not see any no trespassing signs we set the drone down and took off on our inaugural flight. We learned how to maneuver the drone and control the camera at the same time, how far we able to fly away from us, and how to land.

It was a great experience, and we had a blast flying it around. The video that was recorded came out better than I thought it would and I was even able to grab a screenshot and post a picture on Instagram. We are all looking forward now to flying it along the coast. I have no doubt some great photos and videos will soon be published because of our year old drone. 

Big Bear, California

Since most of my weekends in December are open, I am trying to make sure we spend at least one day each week on an adventure. Today's experience was up to the mountain to Big Bear. Big Bear is just about a two-hour drive from Orange County. You can wake up early in the morning, catch a couple of waves down at the beach, and then find yourself skiing or snowboarding down the mountain in the afternoon. There are not too many places on Earth where you can do that!

The drive up was pleasant, minus the usual SoCal traffic. I love driving up the winding mountain roads with views that go on forever. It is always interesting too to see the change in vegetation as you rise in elevation. We went from sea level to 6,752 feet. Our ears were popping as we drove higher and higher. 

Our first stop was the Big Bear Discovery Center. If you ever get the chance to visit Big Bear, this should be your first stop. All the information you could ever need for the area including hiking trails, bird watching, off-road destinations, and excursions can be found here. Also, permits are required to park at specific hiking starting points, and they can be purchased here. 

After checking out all the exhibits in the Discovery Center, we drove around Big Bear Lake and headed to the central part of town. We drove past Big Bear Snow Play area and were sad all our winter snow gear was back at home in Las Vegas. The ski runs are also visible from here, and even though it was mostly human-made snow, you could see lots of people were having a great time on the slopes. 

We reached the Village where all the tourist shop and eat. As we were walking around, I could not help but chuckle inside at all the different degrees of winter wear everyone was sporting. Even though I have lived most of my life in the desert, I do pretty well in the chilly weather. The temperature that morning was around 40 degrees. I had on sweatpants, a short sleeved shirt, and a sweater. I thought the weather felt fantastic. My kids were dressed in their everyday winter attire of boots, sweats, and hoodie or jacket, while the hubby had on jeans, t-shirt, and hoodie. Everyone else was dressed like we were in a full-on ski resort. I saw people with puffy winter coats, knee-high fuzzy boots, scarfs around their faces, beanies, ear muffs, ski pants, and mittens. My hubby swore he saw a girl standing, decked out in full winter battle and her teeth were still chattering! It was not even cold enough to snow yet. Hence the human-made snow on the slopes. I have no idea what these people would do in a real winter town like Banff or Whistler!

We stopped to eat at the Teddy Bear Restaurant. The kids wanted pancakes, and my son was deciding if the kids' portion was significant enough to satisfy his hunger. The kind waitress told him the pancakes were sized about yeh big which led him to order a short stack over the kid's menu. He even wanted to order a double short stack, but I told him his eyes are much larger than his stomach. When the pancakes finally arrived, they were MASSIVE! He barely ate half of one pancake, and he had two on his plate. As you can tell, we had to bring home two take away boxes.  

Big Bear was a fun day trip out of urban life. It is always good for the soul to reconnect with nature, and for me, it is the pine trees and fresh mountain air I crave. 

Concours d'Lemons


This past week has been a crazy week here in Monterey, CA. Every year Monterey is host to Car Week which showcases some of the worlds most expensive cars. Our little apartment is in the heart of town so naturally, we have front row to some not so advertised happenings. For example, at the beginning of the week our front yard was the unloading zone for all the classic and exotic cars that were shipped here via autocarrier. If you were lucky enough to just happen to be out and about at that moment you got to be a spectator to a parade of vehicles only the rich ever get to see. Sotheby's held their car auction just 2 min walk down the street. Though we could not actually go inside the event tent, we could hear the whole bidding process from the loud speakers. Cars were selling for half a million to over a million dollars! That is crazy!! Friday night Cannery Row hosted the Exotics on Cannery Row. All the exotic cars were on display and showing off their muscles. 


Of course, not every event can be all glitz and glam. The Concours d'LeMons is the one place car owners can showcase their worst cars. We had a blast roaming down the aisles of this car show. A lot of the cars had themes such as, the church mobile, the snail car, and the pirate ship. Even the attendees were dressed in auto or lemon themed attire. This was not just a car show but  I also a competition. Judges picked out the Worst Scandinavian Car, the Worst American Classic Car, and of course, the Worst of Show. The Concours d'LeMons is held a few times a year throughout the United States, if you get the chance to attend, I highly recommend it.