worst in show

Concours d'Lemons


This past week has been a crazy week here in Monterey, CA. Every year Monterey is host to Car Week which showcases some of the worlds most expensive cars. Our little apartment is in the heart of town so naturally, we have front row to some not so advertised happenings. For example, at the beginning of the week our front yard was the unloading zone for all the classic and exotic cars that were shipped here via autocarrier. If you were lucky enough to just happen to be out and about at that moment you got to be a spectator to a parade of vehicles only the rich ever get to see. Sotheby's held their car auction just 2 min walk down the street. Though we could not actually go inside the event tent, we could hear the whole bidding process from the loud speakers. Cars were selling for half a million to over a million dollars! That is crazy!! Friday night Cannery Row hosted the Exotics on Cannery Row. All the exotic cars were on display and showing off their muscles. 


Of course, not every event can be all glitz and glam. The Concours d'LeMons is the one place car owners can showcase their worst cars. We had a blast roaming down the aisles of this car show. A lot of the cars had themes such as, the church mobile, the snail car, and the pirate ship. Even the attendees were dressed in auto or lemon themed attire. This was not just a car show but  I also a competition. Judges picked out the Worst Scandinavian Car, the Worst American Classic Car, and of course, the Worst of Show. The Concours d'LeMons is held a few times a year throughout the United States, if you get the chance to attend, I highly recommend it.